
Sexercise: Must-Do Exercises to Boost Your Libido

Larry Saunders 

Uncertainty over the cause of a sudden decrease in sex drive can be upsetting. Testosterone levels are frequently a significant factor, but libido can also be impacted by late nights, lengthy workdays, and underlying marital troubles. Even though taking a pill like prostadine is a good option, the fastest solution isn’t always the best one.

In my practice, I’ve observed a lot of patients significantly improve their sexual health by making simple dietary or exercise adjustments. Exercise improves performance everywhere, from the boardroom to the bedroom, and is without a doubt one of the best things you can do for your body and mind. Here we highlight the best workouts that will surely boost your libido.


Lifting weights is thought to increase sex drive by helping the body to release more testosterone, according to science. Workouts that could increase testosterone levels can also boost libido because good testosterone levels are linked to sexual drive.

Suppose you already engage in some form of strength training as part of your fitness regimen. In that case, a few modest adjustments may be all that is required to make sure your testosterone-producing capacity is maximized.

Three expert recommendations are provided below to help you maximize your weight-lifting session:

  • Working your entire body’s primary muscle groups, especially your legs, which are the largest;
  • Fewer reps with more challenging weights;
  • Reducing the time you rest between sets.


In high-intensity interval training (HIIT), you alternate between exerting all of your energy and taking a quick break. One of the best fat-burning exercises you can perform is HIIT, which can also increase your libido.

Because it reduces cortisol levels in the body, intense cardiovascular exercise like HIIT is a great way to let off steam. Keeping your stress under control is essential for maintaining a healthy sex drive because it has been demonstrated that elevated cortisol drastically reduces testosterone.



From 4 million in 2012 to 10 million in 2016, more American men practiced yoga. But what really drives men so interested in yoga all of a sudden? Maybe it’s because they’re beginning to realize all the health advantages this practice offers, including better sexual health. The type of yoga most frequently connected to sex (and Sting) is tantric yoga.

Tantra yoga has a long history of use among couples trying to spice up the bedroom because of its emphasis on connecting with your body and/or a partner. But because all forms of yoga involve stretching and releasing tension, they all have the potential to boost your libido. Additionally, it promotes flexibility, which your partner(s) will probably value.


Kegel exercises—if you even conceive of them as exercises—squeeze your pubococcygeus (PC) muscles, which you utilize to stop the flow of urine midstream. This can improve your sexual endurance and control.

How are kegel exercises performed? The first step is to stop and start while urinating to obtain a feel for your PC muscles. You can perform kegel exercises at any moment once you’ve learned how they feel. Squeeze your PC muscles firmly for 10 seconds, then let go and repeat as many times as you can.

It’s worth noting that you always have an option to overdo your exercise. But remember that working out too hard may actually cause testosterone levels to drop. In other words, make sure to take those days off. After all, both sex and exercise make us sweat (the more, the better!) and promote greater health, more energy, better moods, and other benefits.

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